Every year, the city of Amstelveen organises a Japan Festival in cooperation with its large Japanese community. This year was no different, showcasing a lively mix of authentic Japanese food and culture.
At 12:00 o'clock on Sunday 8 October the festival kicked off. There were many large tipi tents all around city square, where passersby could try delicious Japanese food and drinks, ranging from packaged goods to freshly prepared takoyaki (たこ焼き).
Creative minds could enjoy the stands of Japanese crafts and painting, or play a game of igo!
Of course the staff of the EGCC were present to share in the joy and showcase the wonderful games of igo (囲碁) and shogi (将棋). We were joined by a stand of Stichting Japanese Helpdesk, who have an office in our building.
We explained the rules of igo on 9x9 boards and rewarded enthusiastic beginners with a cardboard igo set and rulebook. Even some advanced players showed up and played quick games on the beautiful kaya 19x19 board. All in all, it was a fun and successful day!
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